Friends雖然已經完結十多年但是仍然是我心目中最愛的美劇之一,而它片中的生活化劇情帶出了許多簡單、生動的英文字句,是非常好的英文學習題材。在看劇的同時,如果可以多花幾分鐘,學幾個單字片語,不僅不負擔、不痛苦,還可以讓我們的用字遣詞更像一個native speaker呢!想學好英文的各位不妨可以試試看。 








  1. 1. Hump 

(n.) 隆起、凸起 ; 駝背 

  • - Does your grandfather have a hump? 

  • - A camel’s hump stores fat rather than water. 

  • - There’re a plenty speed humps on the road in order to avoid fast drivers. 


  1. 2. Go through 

(phrasal verb) 經歷 

√ 相似詞:undergo, experience 

  • - Mom often nags me about almost everything.  I do not blam her because I know that she doesn’t want me to go through what she had gone through. 


  1. 3. All of a sudden = Suddenly 


  • - All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring.  

  • - Suddenly, the rain started to pour. 


  1. 4. Intestine 

(n.) 腸子 

  • √ Large / Small intestine (n.) 大 / 小腸 

  • - Intestine vermicelli (大腸麵線) is one of the special dish in Taiwan. 


  1. 5. Consent 

(n.) 同意、允許 

  • √ By common consent (idiom) 普遍認可 

  • - Her latest novel, by common consent, is the best yet. 


  1. 6. Drift apart 

(phrasal verb) 關係漸漸疏遠 

  • - I know that you and I have drifted apart, but you’re the only person I knew who lived here. 


  1. 7. That won’t be an issue. 


  • - I was hoping that wouldn’t be an issue. 


  1. 8. Imitate 

(v.) 模仿 

  • - Children tend to imitate their parents. 


  1. 9. Metaphor 

(n.) 隱喻 

√ 相似詞:analogy 

√ 反義詞:simile (明喻) 

  • - Rachel wasn’t saying that she is a hat.  That’s just a metaphor. 


  1. 10. Hit on sb. 


  • - I can’t believe that he hit on the bride on the wedding. 


  1. 11. Control 

(v.) 控制 

  • - I hope that my mom could stop taking control of my life. 

  • - The situation is now under control. 


  1. 12. Be head for 

(phrasal verb) 前往 

  • - I was supposed to be headed for Paris on my honeymoon.  Sadly, I couldn’t make it due to the coronavirus. 


  1. 13. Be up to 

(口語) 要忙什麼 

  • - What are you up to tonight? (你今晚要做什麼?) 


  1. 14. Hang out 

(v.) 常出入某地方、與某人瞎混 

  • - I'm just going to hang out here tonight. 

  • - I don’t know why he hangs out with Dave, they’ve got nothing in common. 


  1. 15. Assemble 

(v.) 組裝;集合 

  • - These furnitures are easy to be assembled. 

  • - Sudents assemble in the playground. 


  1. 16. Spoil 

(v.) 破壞 

√ 相似詞:damage, ruin 

  • - The bad news spoiled my evening. 


  1. 17. Screw 


  • √ Screw up 把事情搞砸 

  • - After receiving a empty package, Tim found out that he got screwed. 

  • - I’m trying to screw the hook into the wall. 

  • - Promise me that you won’t screw up this time. 


  1. 18. Shred 

(v.) 撕碎、銷毀(文件) 

  • - The first step of making salad is to shred the lettuce. 

  • - Important documents should be shredded. 


  1. 19. Spell sth. Out 

(phrasal verb) 解釋清楚 

  • - The government has refused to spell out its policy. 

  • - Do I have  to spell it out for you? 


  1. 20. Priest 

(n.) 牧師 


  1. 21. Scornful 

(adj.) 鄙視、輕視 

  • √ A scornful look / laugh/ tone 

  • - We are scornful of the new policy. 


  1. 22. Abuse 

(v.) 辱罵;虐待 

  • - The crowd started abusing him after what he did has been revealed. 

  • - Children in that school had long been physically abused. 


  1. 23. Hanger 

(n.) 衣架 


  1. 24. Get ahead of oneself 

(idiom) to do something too early 好高騖遠 

  • - He is getting ahead of himself. 


  1. 25. Sophisticated 

(adj.) 見多識廣的 

  • - I don’t think that this book would suit your sophisticated taste. 


  1. 26. Beacon 

(n.) 烽火 

  • - She was the beacon of hope in this circumstances. 

  • - The celebrations started with a chain of beacons lit. 


  1. 27. Burst out 

(phrasal verb) 突然大叫 / 大笑 / 大哭 

  • - Everyone looked at him, when he brusted out laughing. 

  • - Jane bursted out crying without any reason. 


  1. 28. Upbeat 

(adj.) 樂觀的 

  • √ 反義詞:downbeat 

  • - She has a lot of friends due to her upbeat personality. 


  1. 29. Live off 

(phrasal verb) 依靠…生活 

  • - You can’t live off your parents your whole life. 


  1. 30. Parachute 

(n.) 降落傘  (v.) 跳傘 


  1. 31. Geeky 

(adj.) boring and not fashionable 土頭土腦的 

  • √ 相似詞:nerd 

  • - You look geeky with that pair of glasses. 


  1. 32. Intense 

(adj.) 強烈的、極度的 

  • - He sudden felt an intense pain in his shouder. 

  • - It’s intense cold this winter. 


  1. 33. Vulnerable 

(adj.) 易受影響的、脆弱的 

  • - People tend to be vulnerable to criticism. 





  1. 1. Mortified 

(adj.) 極度尷尬的 

√ 相似詞:embarrasssed 

  • - The fact that his wife turns out to be a lesbian really makes Ross mortified. 


  1. 2. Bemused 

(adj.) 茫然的 

√ 相似詞:confused 

  • - He still looks bemused after his teacher has explained the math problem twice. 

  • - I was bemused at her sudden anger. 


  1. 3. Pluck 

(v.)  (常用來指拔除毛髮) 

  • Pluck up one’s courage (idiom) 鼓起勇氣 

  • - He plucks the chicken feathers before killing it. 

  • - He finally pluck up his courage to ask her out for a date. 


  1. 4. Cleanse 

(v.) 淨化 (道德的) 

  • - The mind is cleansed.  


  1. 5. Aura 


  • - Stop cleansing my aura. 

  • - The forest has an aura of mystery. 


  1. 6. Murky 

(adj.) 黑暗的、骯髒的;不清楚的 

  • - The river was murky after the rain. 

  • - I still couldn’t understand the situation, since he gave an murky explaination. 


  1. 7. Fixate 

(v.) 迷戀 

  • - We get fixated on our new love. 

  • - Stop fixated on the affair.  (fixated on = focus on = pay attention to) 


  1. 8. Hysterical 

(adj.) 情緒過分激動的、歇斯底里的 

  • - Calm down, you’re getting hysterical. 


  1. 9. Intercom 

(n.) 內部通話設備 


  1. 10. Clutch 

(v.) 因恐懼、緊張或痛苦而緊握 

  • - She clutched her mother’s hand when she had a seriously stomachace. 


  1. 11. Squat 

(v.) 蹲、蹲坐 

  • - He is squatting on the ground and reading his favorate novel. 

  • - She squatted down and examined the front wheel of her bike. 


  1. 12. Brackety 

(n.) (通常成L型,固定在牆壁上的)支架;括號 


  1. 13. Steer clear of sb. / sth. 


  • - Her speech steered clear of controversial issues. 

  • - Schools warn students to steer clean of drugs. 


  1. 14. Albino 



  1. 15. Aromatherapy 

(n.) 芳香療法 

  • √ Aromatherapy massage  香薰按摩 

  • √ Aromatherapy oil  芳香精油




Let's all for today, and wish you a blessing day.


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