

  • Sexual discrimination  性別歧視 

Discrimination是名詞,指「歧視、差別對待」此外,Gender discrimination也可用來表示「性別歧視」。 


💡 例句: 

Sexual discrimination now still exists in the workplace. 


The purpose of the law is to prevent sexual discrimination and inequality. 




  1. Sexual harassment  性騷擾 

Sexual 應該不用我說大家都很懂吧~Sexual是形容詞,指「性的、性行為的」;而Harassment是Harass的名詞, Harass指「騷擾、打擾」,Harassment指「騷擾行為」。 


💡 例句: 

The woman said that she has long been sexual harassed by her boss. 


Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a trivil matter. 




  1. Sexual abuse  虐待 

Abuse指的是「虐待、殘忍對待」,例如:mental abuse(精神虐待)、child abuse(虐待兒童) 


💡 例句: 

The story about a child having been sexual abuse by his teacher is really horrible. 




  1. Sexual assault  性侵害 

Assault是名詞,指「攻擊、襲擊」;而加上 Sexual便指的是「性侵害」。 


💡 例句: 

He was charged with sexual assault. 


補充:Be charged with  被指控 



  1. Sexual bully  性霸凌 

Bully可作為名詞,指「霸凌者、恃強凌弱者」,也可作動詞,表「欺凌、霸凌」之意。常見霸凌包含physical bully(肢體霸凌)verbal bully(語言霸凌)以及sexual bully(性霸凌)。 


💡 例句: 

Sexual bullying shouldn’t be neglected.  Schools should pay more attention on this issue. 


Please tell your parents and teachers when you encounter sexual bullying. 




  1. Rape  強暴 



💡 例句: 

In the past, many women were raped during the war. 


He had committed several rapes. 




  1. Sex crime  性犯罪 

Crime是名詞,指「違法行為、犯罪活動」。通常Crime會搭配動詞Commit作使用,例如:commit a sex crime。 


💡 例句: 

Sexual harrassment and sexual assault are generally called sex crime. 







Have a nice day!  Bye~~ 





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