




🚩 場景描述Chandler看到一位美麗動人的陌生女生,很想認識她卻不知道如何開口認識這位美女。 


📢 對話 

Chandler: Oh please, could she be more out of my league? Ross, back me up here. 

Ross: He could never get a woman like that in a million years. 

Chandler: Thank you, buddy. 

Phoebe: Oh! Oh! But you know, you always see these really beautiful women with these really nothing guys, you could be one of those guys. 


📑 單字 

  •  ■  Be out of ones league    高不可 

Sally is gorgeous and rich that most men think she is out of their league.  That’s why she is still  single. 

  •  ■  Back sb up    支持、幫助(某人) 

My family back me up on my business all these years.  I’m really greatful for their support. 


🔎 笑點 

  •  ■  Chandler希望Ross可以支持他、幫助他認識那位美女,但是Ross卻跟Chandler說:「你永遠無法得到那樣的女生。」 

  •  ■  Phoebe想安慰Chandler,卻說出更傷人的話。她說:「不過你可以成為那種美女旁邊沒什麼用的那種男生。」 



🚩 場景描述未曾與經紀公司簽約過的Joey與經紀人Estelle初次見面。 


📢 對話 

Joey: Miss Leonard, I can not tell you how excited I am just even to be here. 

Estelle: Why not? 


📑 句型 

  •  ■  I can not tell you how (adj.) I am. 


I can’t tell you how sorry / happy / grateful / nervous I am. 


🔎 笑點解析 

“I can not tell you how excited I am.” 這句話表示「因為太興奮而無法用言語表達興奮的程度」,然而Estelle以為是字面上的意思,也就是「我不能告訴你我有多興奮」,因此她說:"Why not?" 反問Joey為什麼不告訴你有多興奮呢?」 



🚩 場景描述:Joey告訴大家他得到一個電影角色。 


📢 對話 

Joey: My agent has just gotten me a job in the new Al Pacino movie! 

All: Oh my god! Whoah! 

Monica: Well, what’s the part? 

Joey: ...I’m his butt double. 


📑 單字句型 

  •  ■  Al Pacino 


  •  ■  Double 

(adj.)雙倍的; (v.)加倍; (n.)一模一樣的人,有「替身」的意思 

-- Butt double  屁股替身 

-- Body double 裸體替身 

-- Stunt double  特技替身 





最後"stay health, stay safe",如果有什麼建議都非常歡迎留言告訴我唷! 




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