






  1. 1. As far as I am concerned 


  • - As far as I’m concerned, trust is the most value thing between people. 


  1. 2. Blow one’s mind 


  • - The story was fascinated.  It really do blow my mind. 


  1. 3. Get up the courage to do sth. 


  • - He finally gets up the courage to propose. 


  1. 4. Gang up on 

(Phrasal verb)  聯合對付 

  • - Billy doesn’t want to go to school since all of his classmates are ganging up on him. 


  1. 5. Convertible 

(adj.)  可改變的 

(n.)  敞篷車 

  • √ Convert (v.) 改變、轉變 

  • √ A convertible sofa bed  可折疊的沙發床 


  1. 6. You don’t say. 


A: Gery is the tallest student in our class. 

B: You don’t say. 


  1. 7. Glamour 

(n.)  吸引力、魅力 

  • - Jeff cannot resist the glamour of night clubs. 


  1. 8. Coincidence 

(n.)  巧合 

  • - I met Tim during my trip to Paris.  What a coincidence! 


  1. 9. Belch the alphabet 



  1. 10. Tile 

(n.)  瓦片、磁磚 

(v.)  鋪磁磚 

  • √ Lay kitchen tile  鋪廚房磁磚 

  • √ Roof tile  屋頂瓦片 

  • - We are going to tile the bathroom this afternoon. 


  1. 11. Horribly 

(adv.)  可怕地 

  • √ Horror (n.)  恐懼 

  • - The little boy shouted in horror as a cockroach flew out of his toy box. 

= The little boy shouted horribly as a cockroach flew out of his toy box. 


  1. 12. Supremely 

(adv.)  極度地 

  • 同義詞:Extremely 

  • - I am supremely confident that I will beat up all the competitors. 


  1. 13. Mix and match 


  • - The restaurant allows customers to mix and match sandwiches and side dishes. 


  1. 14. Gulp 

(n.)  吞 

  • - Jack swallowed his drink in one gulp. 


  1. 15. Brutal 

(adj.)  殘忍的 

  • √ A brutal dictator  殘暴的獨裁者 

  • - He was guilty for the brutal murder. 


  1. 16. Detergent 

(n.)  洗衣精、洗衣粉 

  • - Remember to add some detergent into the washing machine when you are doing laundry. 


  1. 17. Band-aid 

(n.)  OK 

  • - It won’t be hurt if you pull off the Band-aid really fast. 


  1. 18. Wound 

(n.)  傷口 

  • A flash wound  皮肉傷 

  • A gunshot wound  槍傷 

  • - There are several flash wounds on my leg after the car accident. 


  1. 19. Commitment 

(n.)  承諾 

  • - Chandler has a fear of commitment. 


  1. 20. Inflate 

(v.)  充氣、膨脹 

  • - The clown inflated the balloons with helium. 


  1. 21. Flop 

(v.)  重重的落下 

  • - Betty flopped down in front of the television as soon as she got home. 


  1. 22. Put our heads together 


  • - If we put our heads together, we can figure out the solution to the problem. 


  1. 23. Rip 

(v.)  撕裂 

  • 同義詞:tear 

  • - My favorite T-shirt was ripped apart by my brother in purpose. 

  • - His new trousers(褲子) ripped when he bent down. 


  1. 24. Grieve 

(v.)  (尤指對某人去世而)悲痛 

  • 同義詞:sorrow 

  • - He is still grieving for his wife. 





  1. 25. Maneuver 

(n.)  花招、妙計 

  • - The manager really like Mike because he often come up with some impressive maneuver. 


  1. 26. Orgasm 

(n.)  性高潮 

  • √ Achieve / reach orgasm  達到性高潮 


  1. 27. Scrunchy 

(adj.)  愁眉苦臉的 


  1. 28. Sud 

(n.)  肥皂水 


  1. 29. Weasel 

(n.)  黃鼠狼 


  1. 30. Rambunctious 

(adj.)  難以控制的;精力過剩的 






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That’s all for today, and wish you all a blessing day! 





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