






  1. 1. Mock 

(v.) 嘲笑;(為取笑而)模仿 

√ 相似詞:imitate(模仿) 

- His classmates mocked him after seeing him falling off the bike. 

- Herry made fun of his sister by mocking the way she bumped into a wall. 


  1. 2. Startle 

(v.) 使大吃一驚 

√ 相似詞:shock, stun 

- The noise of the horn startled the birds and the whole flock foew into the air. 


  1. 3. Nod off 

(v.) 打瞌睡 

- My grandmother often nods off in front of the television. 


  1. 4. Reassure 

(v.) 使安心 

Assure (v.) 向…保證、使放心 

- I was reassured by their promise. 


  1. 5. The glass is half empty 


√ 相似詞:Pessimist  悲觀主義者 

√ 相反詞:The glass is half full  用來形容人個性樂觀 

- He is a glass half empty kind of person. 


  1. 6. Phenomenal 

(adj.) 傑出的、非凡的 

√ 相似詞:extraordinary 

- Your parents will be very proud to have such a phenomenal son. 


  1. 7. On the subject of 


√ 相似詞:Regrading 

- We’re on the subject of air pollution. 


  1. 8. Whine 

(v.) 抱怨、牢騷 

- He always whines about the weather. 


  1. 9. Pit 

(n.) 果核 

- Peaches, plums and olives all contain pits. 


  1. 10. Alter 

(v.) (輕微的)改動 

√ 詞:Change, Modifiy 

- It sounds better after you altered the  plan. 


  1. 11. Blobby 

(n.) 一滴  (= blob) 

- I would like my cookies with little chocolate blobby on them. 


  1. 12. Pajama 

(v.) 睡衣 



  1. 13. Slumber 

(n.) 睡眠、睡覺 

- The baby fell into a gentle slumber. 


  1. 14. In reference to 


Refernce (n.) 提及、談論 

- I am writing in reference to your letter  of January 15th. 


  1. 15. Frost 

(n.) 霜 

- The ground was covered with frost this morning. 


  1. 16. Come together 

(phrasal verb) 步上軌道、一切就緒 

- The mayor was grateful when the transportation system in the city has come together. 


  1. 17. Dent 

(v.) 使凹陷;打擊 

- The hammer dented the floor as I dropped it. 

- The criticism dented his confidence. 


  1. 18. Bring sb down 

(phrasal verb) 使某人不開心 

Down (adj.) 情緒低落的 

- Sorry to bring you down. 


  1. 19. Bonehead 


(n.) 傻瓜、笨蛋 


  1. 20. Stunning 

(adj.) 非常迷人的;驚訝的 

√ 相似詞:Amazing, Astoniching; Suprising, Startling, Shocking 

A stunning view  迷人的景色 


  1. 21. Repressed 

(adj.) 壓抑的 

- He is a repressed guy.  He seldom expresses his emotions. 


  1. 22. Seduce 

(v.) 引誘、勾引 

- The girl in the bar was trying to seduce me. 


  1. 23. It's a part of an act. 



  1. 24. Coma 

(n.) 昏迷(狀態) 

- He has been in a coma for the past six months. 


  1. 25. Pate 

(n.) 肉醬 

Liver / salman / vegetarian pate  肝 / 鮭魚 / 素食 


  1. 26. Weep 

(v.) 哭泣 

- People wept with tears when they noticed the bad news. 






  1. 27. Omnipotent 

(adj.) 無所不能的、萬能的 

- I always wish to be omnipotent some day. 


  1. 28. Impotent 

(adj.) (男性)不育的 


  1. 29. Consummate 

(v.) (透過行為)使(婚姻戀愛)圓滿 

(adj.) 圓滿的 


  1. 30. Cave in 


- After the earthquake, some buildings caved in. 


  1. 31. Apron 

(n.) 圍裙 

- The waitress is in an apron. 


  1. 32. Duplex 

(n.) 雙併式住宅 


  1. 33. Tweezer 

(n.) 鑷子 


  1. 34. Predicament 

√ 相似詞:Delimma 

(n.) 窘境、困境 

- He is in a financial predicament, since he has unemployed for half a year. 


  1. 35. Mediterranean 

(n.) 地中海 





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That’s all for today, and wish you a blessing day!




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